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Abdullah Al Marzan

Senior Research Officer

President Abdul Hamid Medical College and Hospital

Kishoreganj, Bangladesh.


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Research Interests

My research interests in the realm of biochemistry and molecular biology are underpinned by an unwavering dedication to investigating the intricacies of fundamental biological processes at the molecular level. I utilize state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies to gain unprecedented insights into the underlying mechanisms governing biomolecular interactions, with a view towards informing the development of innovative therapeutic strategies for addressing some of the most pressing global health challenges of our time.
Within this broader framework, my primary research pursuits are centered around the interdisciplinary field of molecular biology, with a particular focus on exploring the molecular foundations of viral and microbial genetics, peptide design, and protein-protein interactions. To this end, I leverage a range of advanced techniques such as Western blot analysis, PCR,  Cloning, SDS-PAGE, Protein purification, Molecular docking,  Molecular dynamics simulations, and Cell culture to unravel the complex mechanisms regulating microbial growth, pathogenesis, and host-pathogen interactions.

In addition, I possess a keen interest in the application of bioinformatics and computational biology, which I employ to develop novel computational tools and algorithms that facilitate the analysis and visualization of large-scale biological datasets. Through these pursuits, my ultimate goal is to deepen our understanding of the intricacies of fundamental biological processes and to contribute to the development of innovative therapeutic interventions that can improve global health outcomes.


1. Md. A. Islam et al., ‘Variant-specific deleterious mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 genome reveal immune responses and potentials for prophylactic vaccine development’, Front Pharmacol, vol. 14, Feb. 2023, doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1090717.

2. M. Jakariya et al., ‘Wastewater-based epidemiological surveillance to monitor the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in developing countries with onsite sanitation facilities’, Environmental Pollution, vol. 311, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119679.

3. Kabir, Md, et al. "Biosorption of pollutants from chemically derived wastewater using Microcoleus sp." AQUA-Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society (2023).

4. Md. A. Islam et al., ‘A Review on Measures to Rejuvenate Immune System: Natural Mode of Protection Against Coronavirus Infection’, Front Immunol, vol. 13, Mar. 2022, doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.837290.

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